Background info:
Chorlton Park is a primary school based in Chorlton, Manchester. The teaching block dated back to the 1960s and would be demolished to make way for a new extension.
The MBS project was managed by Contracts Engineer John Heenan a former pupil of the school.
Project details:
The project was carried out by Triton Construction comprised of the demolition of the original teaching block and construction of a new extension comprising of eight new classrooms, office areas, store areas, assembly/sports hall, toilet facilities for pupils and staff and linking through to the existing school.
External works included associated drainage and alterations to car parking areas.
Work completed by MBS:
Mechanical and engineering design, gas heating to the sports hall, mechanical ventilation systems, BMS control systems, LTHW (low-temperature hot water) heating systems utilising LST (low surface temperature) radiators, domestic hot and cold water systems, sanitaryware and drainage installations.
Electrically the works involved new mains power distribution, lighting, small power, data, fire alarms, security, access control and intruder alarms.